Tango Down Tactical is a local Gun Shop and Training Facility offering custom rifle and pistol builds, factory firearms and accessories from major manufactures and ammunition. My custom builds carry a Limited Lifetime Warranty. In addition to firearms, I also offer various training courses including Concealed Carry Classes, Basic to Advanced Pistol and Rifle Classes, Firearm Maintenance Classes, Realtor Safety Classes and Youth Firearms Safety Classes to name a few. We have a fully functional classroom and live fire range at Tango Down Tactical. I am a USCCA Certified Instructor and Range Safety Officer and have decades of experience training with some of the best instructors from across the USA. I am passionate about sharing my experience with you. I want everyone to have access to affordable training and I have such a strong belief in this that I offer two hours of personal firearm training with each firearm you buy from me FOR FREE. I also will do FFL transfers for a fee should you find a gun online you want to buy. Thanks for visiting our site and I hope to add you to the Tango Down Tactical family soon.

Who am I?

My name is Dennis Alan Poythress.  I am the Husband to an extremely lucky Wife (Wait, that is the other way around.  I am the lucky one.), Father of 14 year old twins and an Air Force Veteran.  I am passionate about firearms, our right to keep and bear arms and teaching.   I have had a passion for firearms since a very early age and have spent decades fostering that passion by seeking as much knowledge and training as possible.  I have had the privilege to train with some of the best firearm instructors from across our great Nation and I am excited to offer decades of training to you at affordable prices.   I am a USCCA Certified Instructor, USCCA Range Safety Officer and NC Concealed Carry Instructor.  I believe gun ownership should go hand in hand with training and I am aware that training can be expensive which prevents a lot of people from getting it.  I want to change that.  I want to make training affordable without sacrificing quality.  This is not a job for me.  I have a career that provides for my family and me.  This is a passion and I want to share it with you.  I want you to walk away with master class level education from every class you attend with me.  And I want every experience you have with me, from attending a class to buying a firearm, to be the best experience you can possibly imagine.  That’s a bold ambition on my part and I can’t type enough words to truly express my desire to offer and provide you with an exceptional experience.  Instead, I challenge you to challenge me and let my actions speak louder than my words.  I don’t want customers.  I want Tango Down Tactical family members. 

Tango Down Tactical Values

When it comes to the values that I want Tango Down Tactical to be known for, I want them to be very simple.  Here is a short list.

  • Uncompromising customer satisfaction. I want everyone that has any interaction with me to walk away with the feeling that Tango Down Tactical is there for them and will always stand behind their satisfaction.  I want Tango Down Tactical family members, not customers.
  • If train with me, I want you to feel that the training you are getting is exceptional and you are getting more than your money’s worth.  And I want you to feel you are in an environment that is welcoming.   Especially for new gun owners.  I don’t want anyone to feel ashamed for not knowing something or afraid to ask questions.  We were all new gun owners at some point.  And it would thrill me to coach you through the first steps of becoming a responsible, well trained gun owner or help you achieve a new level if you are a more experienced individual.  No matter how much training we have had, learning never stops.  All are welcome at Tango Down Tactical.
  • The 2nd Amendment is prominent at Tango Down Tactical. Our Constitution is a collection of God given rights that are inalienable.  Our 2nd Amendment gives us the right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves or others.  This is an extraordinary freedom as it is not so for many populations across the Globe.  We here in America enjoy many blessings.  The fact that we can keep and bear arms for our defense is among those blessings.  With all this said, please do not get the wrong impression.  Tango Down Tactical must still follow all local, State and Federal laws.
  • Lastly, but truly first, we put God before all else here at Tango Down Tactical.  Jesus is first in our business and our lives.  We give thanks to our Lord and Savior and give all glory to Him for all that we have and will have.  With that being said, we do not judge anyone.  Jesus said “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” – John 8:7 KJV.  I am certainly not without sin, therefore who am I to judge the actions of others?  In my eyes we are all Brothers and Sisters, Sons and Daughters in Christ Jesus.  You will be met with love here at Tango Down Tactical first and foremost.

This is a short list for sure.  I want my service to you to outshine anything I could write here.  Actions speak louder than words in my opinion.   It would be an honor to prove to you that Tango Down Tactical is not your ordinary business.